Friday, February 1, 2013

viciada em verniz: primeiro giveaway do blog

viciada em verniz: primeiro giveaway do blog: Vou realizar o primeiro sorteio do blog. O sorteio destina-se a angariar mais seguidores e dar mais vida ao blog, que tem estado um bocado p...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Language learning programs for kids

I was introduced to this video making company via influenster. I shared this video with my God Son and he loved it! He giggled throughout the whole thing and began reciting what the animals were saying. He especially loved the fish because of the bubbles.

disclaimer I viewed this clip complimentary through Influenster


Friday, November 16, 2012

Crest 3D White Professional Effects Whitestrips

Hello All,

This is what it looks like and my whitening power was a 4
Link to their website:
I know that it has been quite some time since I have been on here with an update, however I have a new product that I was sent. I was sent Crest 3D white strips from via Influenster and so far I LOVE them. I have pictures on my phone and a few on my Instagram. Yes, I do have an Instagram and I actually do post pictures unlike some people who just make one for the followers and to be nosy. I have been using the 3D Crest White Strips Id say for a little over a week now and I have seen change. I put the strips on my top and bottom teeth in the morning after I've brushed my teeth, (wait a little bit like 20-30 minutes before putting them on). There's two strips one for the top teeth which is longer and one for the bottom teeth which is shorter, I keep mine on for 30 minutes. The other day though I tried to keep them on for  approximately an hour and my teeth got really sensitive and it felt uncomfortable so I didn't use them for the next two days then I started using them the way I had been using them. I would suggest this product to those who like experimentation and who have yellow teeth. They do not work on dentures or caps as the package states but on your natural teeth. They are quite simple to use and they aren't very time consuming. I could put them on and take a shower and enhance my curls or do some house cleaning, you can talk, and drink water just fine. They aren't a set back from your daily activities. If you do get a chance I'd say they are worth a try, I am loving them thus far. Lastly, I know many of you who haven't really seem them or only glanced as you were searching for toothpaste or mouth wash in one of the retail stores, the retail price is 49.99 which is pretty cheap if you compare it to going to the dentist and getting a teeth whitening treatment.

Tip: If You're Not Whitening, You're Yellowing!
Disclaimer: I received this product complimentary through Influenster :)

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Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hello All, 

        I just wanted to welcome you all to my blog. I have not quite decided what all I will talk about but I just wanted to share my sophisticated curly experience with you all. I have always been natural my mother never put a perm in my hair even though I used to beg for it. I am now so happy she never did do so because I LOVE the many ways I can wear my hair NATURALLY curly if I don't feel like straightening it. I will say though it sometimes can be frustrating but overall I love this experience! Feel free to post comments and ask questions I love to be of help when possible.